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Real Estate MIPIM Awards 2017

The only Czech development project – Residence Sacre Coeur2 – achieved to become a finalist in the category of Best Residential property in the international Real Estate MIPIM Awards 2017.

The only Czech development project – Residence Sacre Coeur2 – achieved to become a finalist in the category of Best Residential property in the international Real Estate MIPIM Awards 2017.

In the days, 14 to 17th of March 2017, take a place in Cannes an International Real Estate Fair MIPIM, which will visit more than 23,000 guests from over 90 countries. Participants have an unique opportunity not only to share their experiences, but also to gain insights and ideas from international partners, to be inspired by what the trends are in the world of property development and real estate market, what is happening and we can expect in the coming years.

Part of the international trade fair is also awarding the best development projects in the prestigious MIPIM international real competition 2017. The competition has a long tradition and global significance, was founded in 1991. This year, registered a total of 214 development projects from 46 countries and among the finalists battled a Czech development project Residence Sacre Coeur2 from the SATPO Company. This residential project is one of four projects nominated finalist in the category of Best Residential Development.

The expert jury, which consisted of 11 members headed by the chairman John Forrester-em, CEO EMEA, Cushman & Wakefield, have chosen in Paris only the four best projects in each of the competing 11-categories at the end of January 2017. With regard to the global attractiveness of the MIPIM Awards, development projects were entered from Asia, the Pacific, North America and Latin America, Africa and Europe.

"The quality of projects registered each year is rising, and the level of sustainable development and sustainable design is also growing, and this year we saw a really big aspect of social responsibility as development projects have a significant impact on their communities." said jury chairman, John Forrester. "In every continent of the world, we have seen some projects that pose a real regeneration of social and economic space in which they were implemented," he added.

Residence Sacre Coeur2 in its category compete with development projects from Germany, Brazil and France. The final results will be announced on Thursday, 17th of March 2017 at the gala evening at the Palais de Festival, in the central French city of Cannes.

For more information about Residence Sacre Coeur2 here and information about international real estate MIPIM 2017 HERE.

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Real Estate MIPIM Awards 2017

  1. SATPO - Press Release 289.00 KB

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