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APPROVAL of the Sacre Coeur 2

Premium residential project Sacre Coeur 2 has been successfully approved! On Tuesday, 29th of March 2016, in accordance with the construction timetable of the residential project Sacre Coeur 2, a final inspection tour of the building within the approval process in Prague 5 was successfully completed. The company SATPO invited important representatives of the company METROSTAV to a ceremonial toast with a rich refreshment.

Premium residential project Sacre Coeur 2 has been successfully approved! On Tuesday, 29th of March 2016, in accordance with the construction timetable of the residential project Sacre Coeur 2, a final inspection tour of the building within the approval process in Prague 5 was successfully completed . The company SATPO after issuing the occupancy permit, which is proof of the permitted purpose of the use of the building, invited important representatives of the company METROSTAV to a ceremonial toast with a rich refreshment.

For more information of the project contact our Sales Team or see HERE. 

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APPROVAL of the Sacre Coeur 2

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