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SATPO news 11/2018

On November 30, 2018, in a friendly pre-Christmas atmosphere, the festive presentation of the new edition of SATPO news took place with the participation of Bedeur representatives. SATPO news is full of inspiration from the world of living and interior, dedicated to the jubilee anniversary of our statehood in conjunction with a brief presentation of SATPO's activities in the area of social responsibility. The main articles include expert opinions from the world of real estate market and also the insight behind SATPO.
On November 30, 2018, in a friendly pre-Christmas atmosphere, the festive presentation of the new edition of SATPO news took place with the participation of Bedeur representatives.
SATPO news is full of inspiration from the world of living and interior, dedicated to the jubilee anniversary of our statehood in conjunction with a brief presentation of SATPO's activities in the area of social responsibility. The main articles include expert opinions from the world of real estate market and also the insight behind SATPO.
This is the sixth edition of SATPO news for the third year. As part of the ceremonial, the decoration of a Christmas tree with a home-cooked gourmet tasting and a surprise in the form of a dance performance by a young dancer, Matěj Němce, from the dance studio TS Andrea. Matěj Němec is a double champion of the republic and a multi-champion of Europe, he performed with the choreography of his coach Dominique Budlovsky. Both of them are from the Andrea Dance Studio, which will celebrate 30 years of its existence under the guidance of artistic director, Mgr. Andrey Mysliveck.

On behalf of the company we wish you a pleasant reading, SATPO news is downloading and free distribution HERE.

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SATPO news 11/2018

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