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On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the foundation of SATPO, we all celebrated! A meeting of all current and former colleagues took place at SATPO on 30 May at 5 pm. The owner of the company, who briefly recalled the vision of the whole company, and how important it is to build a reliable team of capable employees, thanks to which the real estate company has become a successful development company, has achieved many successes and plans for many years to come.
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the foundation of SATPO, we all celebrated!

A meeting of all current and former colleagues took place at SATPO on 30 May at 5 pm. The owner of the company, who briefly recalled the vision of the whole company, and how important it is to build a reliable team of capable employees, thanks to which the real estate company has become a successful development company, has achieved many successes and plans for many years to come. After the inauguration of a representative of the editorial team, the new edition of SATPO news, which is full of inspiration from the world of living and interior, is dedicated to the jubilee annual company SATPO. The main articles include expert opinions from the real estate market, as well as insight into the backstage of SATPO. For download and free distribution HERE, other releases are HERE.

The program included common fun games such as playful chopsticks, sokoban, stick and cornhole. There was plenty of entertainment, wine tasting and Aperol's popular summer cocktail. Pleasant atmosphere was complemented by instax corner, amazing cake in the shape of loaf full of tasty cup cakes, announcement of winning team and gift for everyone in the form of elegant T-shirt in colors SATPO.

Within the organization, we thank GFK for a great teambuilding program, Culinaria for a very tasty catering, Aperol for refreshing cocktails associated with fashion accessories and last but not least Leli's Cupcakes.

And because even small steps can mean a lot more in life, we hope that even this little celebration has given us all the power and energy to fulfill our tasks, goals and strategies for years to come!

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