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When We Can, We Help

SATPO provided the administrative building on Radlická Street for intensive training to the USAR (Urban Search and Rescue) team, which is part of the civil protection framework of the European Union, before the demolition began.

Our company’s commitment to social responsibility was demonstrated through action with our motto: "When we can, we gladly help." In January, we provided the administrative building on Radlická Street for intensive training and preparation of the USAR (Urban Search and Rescue) team before its demolition.

The USAR team, part of the European Union's civil protection mechanism, is trained for search and rescue operations in populated areas, particularly following earthquakes. They are deployed to various locations, such as Greece to combat fires or Turkey to assist after earthquakes.

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Our company City Home offers affordable housing units, commercial premises or also warehouses and offices in the center of Prague and its immediate surroundings.

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